by Admin
Posted on 23-11-2022 07:44 PM
Here at madison park psychological services, we focus on providing tailored treatments to help the nyc community achieve balance and well-being. Our body-mind-spirit approach considers each individual, their physical condition, thoughts, emotions, and essence. We integrate eastern perspectives into western psychology. Our multicultural team has a wealth of experience in various modalities such as psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (cbt), acceptance and commitment therapy (act), interpersonal therapy, mindfulness-based methods, among many others.
During your initial consultation , we will get to know you and your partner and set the basis for treatment. We will
together to identify the right therapist and suitable method that honors your unique values, personality, and concerns to reach your wellness goals.
Couples therapy isn't only necessary during a time of crisis, like a breakup or major life change. It can also be useful to manage recurring conflict or underlying issues. Important: couples therapy is not designed to work for abusive or toxic relationships where one partner has more control. Experts advise that in some cases, the vulnerable things said in couples therapy can actually make issues worse, causing an abuser to become angry or violent.
If this is the case, call the national domestic violence hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or chat
here. Some of the most common signs that you may need couples therapy are:.
Therapy should not feel rushed. Each partner gets the opportunity to express how they feel without the pressure of time along with not feeling that one partner may be hijacking an entire session. From a clinicians viewpoint, this allows the clinician a more in-depth analysis through observation, which helps in truly understanding the dynamics and patterns as they unfold. Leading to identification of unhealthy and problematic communication, which may be the root of the problem. 90-minute sessions allows the couple and clinician to get to the root of the issues, and then begin to breakdown the barriers that have lead to disconnection.
Jesse huebner provides couples counseling in denver, colorado and says “absolutely! i didn’t get into counseling initially with a desire to focus on couples and relationships, but throughout the years i’ve realized how impactful this space is for clients that i have been drawn more and more into this work. I’m not exaggerating when i say i see breakthroughs and progress every week. Not only am i seeing it, but i hear couples tell me all the time how helpful our sessions are and how good it feels to be going in the right direction. ”.
(fall and spring semesters) the counseling center is a safe and inclusive space where counselors provide support to students from underrepresented populations. Recognizing that stigma about seeking counseling and unfamiliarity about the counseling process prevent some students from getting the help they need, the counseling service makes requesting time with a counselor easier to specific student populations. Free unscheduled time with a counselor is available to students of color, lgbtq+ students, international students, and veteran students during the times listed below. Please note that students will be asked to complete several brief surveys prior to meeting with a counselor within an hour of arrival.
Some people are either afraid of or unfamiliar with couples therapy. If you do not know what happens in therapy, try a session with a couple's therapist and find out. You do not have to commit to working with that mental health professional. There are many therapists out there, and you and your partner can find one you both feel comfortable talking to, so you can get the most out of therapy. A couple's therapist may use one of a variety of theoretical perspectives. One perspective is positive psychology which is a psychological perspective that emphasizes human beings' strengths.